By Moseley Davidson

Friday, June 3

Some would say this three week trip began in India, but I would say it started on the plane. The long flights tested all of us. For some it was difficult to fill the time, others didn’t have enough time to fill. For me, I listened to music I didn’t understand and played trivia. After arriving in New Delhi, we started to make our way to the mountains. I was surprised by the way people drive here. Honking the horn lets people know your there and trying to get by. The back of trucks have “honk horn” painted on them. I was surprised as people drove anywhere on the road – nothing or no one ever really seemed to stop.

For breakfast, we stopped at a tea house and got some chai. Strangely pleasant smells of spices and herbs filled the air. I was surprised to see so many houses that looked unfinished. I leaned that when Covid happened a lot of the buildings had to stop being made. When restrictions where lifted, it was probably cheaper to just stop building – I wondered whether people were going on, or moving places as they left these unfinished buildings behind.

Getting into the mountains, I couldn’t I was told that these where not that steep, but they were to me. After settling in to the mountain hotel, we explored for a little while. Jordan Bayliss and I tried to find what and where music was being played. We ended up walking down a small road. We saw two little kids trying to slide down the steep road on plastic soda bottles. As we walked further, a man called out “don’t open that gate, there’s a tiger inside!” We talked with him for a while about his life – he talked about his kids having a choice to be in school or begin work, and I’m curious about how people really make that choice. He ended up giving us a bag full of peaches from one of his trees.

Peyton said it this morning, but I’ve been thinking about this idea of change. Things in India seem to be moving a lot faster here, so I wonder whether it’s easier for other pieces to be forgotten? How can you choose to keep doing what your family is doing, or try something new? Overall, things are moving quickly and I am looking forward to getting deeper into the mountains.

I tried writing this in my bed but just kept falling asleep. The travel is catching up to me!

9 responses to “Movement”

  1. Dave's Mom Avatar
    Dave’s Mom

    It’s a whole other world on the subcontinent! Enjoy every moment of it!

  2. Mollie Avatar

    The possibility of change and change at a rapid pace is certainly an idea to explore as you see it around you and perhaps happening within yourself new ways in India. I look forward to hearing more from you as you explore the state of Uttarakhand with Praveen and Suman, and what insights you will carry home to your home in Virginia.

  3. jbyersccs Avatar

    Good work, Moseley. I hear they now how toilets and showers in Agora! Radical change indeed Will change and tourism negatively impact the peaceable, family-like nature of Agora; or will it provide more opportunities for young people to create lives they would never have imagined before? Or both? Which is better? After you get to know a village, and love it, you want it to be the same always, but it can’t be. (like Christchurch, it will be different when you come back after college). Think about what you would absolutely keep, and what you would change, if someone asked you that question about Agora or another place you stay.

  4. jrhomer Avatar

    Hi Moseley, I love reading about India through your eyes because I know what a thoughtful observer you are. Was there really a tiger inside the gate?!!! I’m interested that the man’s children have the responsibility of choosing between attending school or working. This seems like a huge choice for a child to make! In the US, children do not have to choose. I’m interested in learning more about this! Also … the peaches! Are they peaches the same as the peaches we eat in the US?

  5. Teresa Hinton Avatar
    Teresa Hinton

    I am glad to hear everyone arrived safe and sound in India. The driving experience sounds like a city in Italy. At least honking is acceptable and depended upon to communicate on the roads.

    Traveling to these mountains sounds very adventurous!

    I want to know if there was really a tiger. The Chai tea sounds wonderful!!
    Teresa Hinton

  6. Andrea Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Moseley! I am so glad that you have this wonderful opportunity to explore another part of the world. Your thoughts are insightful and provoking. Keep up the good work!

  7. Meghan McNeill Avatar
    Meghan McNeill

    Mosley! You are definitely on my mind as you embark on this adventure. I have always appreciated your thoughtful observations of the world around you and reflections of your experiences. I find your mention of change here especially insightful – what gets lost in our choices? and when we have access to choices, what aspects of our values to we override or overlook? Thanks for being the thoughtful, engaged, and aware young person you are!

  8. Gidget Valadez Avatar
    Gidget Valadez

    Moseley, Thank you so much for your contemplative blog posting. You paint such a curious picture with your thoughts and words. And you show that amazing things can be found, even on a simple walk…like a TIGER behind an unmarked gate and children using waste in creative and fun ways! Your curious mind and the place in which you find yourself will bring you many questions to consider and many memories to cherish for a long time. Enjoy!

  9. Randy Jones Avatar
    Randy Jones

    Moseley, this is an amazing trip you are on. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. I just finished reading _The Anarchy_, by William Dalrymple about disintegration of the Mogul Empire of India 1600-1800 and the eventual takeover of India by the British. It describes both the majesty and squalor of India. You might find it interesting. — Granddad Randy

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